Stop using AI to write YOUR resume!
Stop using AI to write YOUR resume!
I was working with a coaching client the other day. We discussed a couple of sessions prior that his resume should highlight more of his accomplishments to show the depth of his experience. Fast forward to recently, and he was excited to share the updated version of his resume with me.
I share in his enthusiasm, so I prepare to be blown away… Unfortunately, as I was reading, it became clear that he bypassed the depth and instead opted for a bunch of general jargon that any professional at his level and in his industry would know.
We worked together a few years ago when I helped him secure a previous role. We’ve kept in touch since. So this gave me the confidence to ask him directly if he used AI to update his resume. He confirmed, saying, "Yes, why?" I told him the changes were "awful and confusing" as they didn't enhance the resume. Rather than highlighting his impressive experience and achievements, the AI-made updates seemed to do the opposite.
I met with another client recently, and the same dilemma was presented to me. He used ChatGPT to make his resume. There was nothing that spoke to who he was or what he brought. The resume was missing a key part, and that was him. His unique strengths and accomplishments were made boring and standard.
Artificial Intelligence is reinventing how we operate in our everyday lives. It continues to revolutionize our lives and how we work, but it is "Artificial.” It does not have the same ability for subtle nuances that we do. It does not have your voice. And AI will not be there with you during your interview session.
As made clear from these two encounters, most of us do not know how to ask the questions necessary to get the results we need when using AI.
Don't get me wrong, AI is a tremendous tool. In fact, I used AI to check my spelling and grammar before I published this post. But AI can not tell your story the way you can. This tool should not be mistaken as a replacement for your words. It should be used in collaboration with them. You want to use your voice in your resume to ensure it exemplifies YOUR best strengths and accomplishments.
Taking an active role in crafting your resume is crucial so it perfectly reflects you. A resume that speaks to your identity sets the stage for a successful interview. You can confidently talk about your accomplishments.
I’ve seen candidates who aren’t familiar with the details of their resumes unable to sell themselves. A key part of any job interview. This is why it is important to remember that no one and no thing knows you better than you know yourself. Craft your own resume!
What are your views on AI and resumes?
By Stuart Friedman, Founder & President of HR Talent Alliance